10 Reasons the UN Shouldn’t Engage in Clickbait: Number 4 Will Make You Say “What Am I Reading?”

10 Reasons the UN Shouldn’t Engage in Clickbait: Number 4 Will Make You Say “What Am I Reading?”

I was sent the above image by a friend this morning.While there are undoubtedly at least 11 facts that I do need to know about Yemen, what struck me the most was that one of the most venerable institutions established in recent times has resorted to the curse of clickbait.

To be clear, I’m all for raising awareness of the conditions in Yemen and other such parts of the world. But something about clickbait titles for this kind of thing just feels…wrong.

So…here are 10 reasons why the UN shouldn’t lower itself to clickbait:

  1. 15 Execution Methods Used in North Korea: Number 6 Will Destroy Your Faith in Humanity 😢

  2. 12 Ways the UN Could Help if India Invaded Pakistan…AGAIN 😉

  3. You’ve Never Heard of THESE 10 Political Asylum Seekers 😎

  4. 8 Things Border Guards Can’t Believe Can Be Used to Entice Refugees into Sexual Favors! 😏

  5. 7 Hacks for Spreading Dysentery that the Haitian Population DOESN’T Want You to Know 🤢

  6. We Tried to Distribute Food Aid in a War-Zone: You Won’t Believe What Happened [VIDEO]! 😳

  7. 18 Dictators’ Policies that Make You Say “Do These Guys Even Understand Government?” 🙄

  8. How Many People Worldwide Are Without Clean Drinking Water? 90% of People Give the WRONG Answer! 😱

  9. Suicide Bombers Use These 3 Simple Tricks to Blend into a Crowd 😈

  10. Are Nuclear Missiles Targeted at YOUR Town? The Answer May Surprise You 🤯

If any of those fill you with a sick feeling in your stomach, you can see how this could escalate into bad territory extremely quickly. Even if getting likes and shares is important, it’s a slippery slope. So how about we just…don’t?

What do you say, UN? I’m sure your answer will SHOCK me…

Shout out to my two buddies from the #failing group on WeChat for contributing ideas and inspiration for the titles in this article: Ivan (check out his Medium here), and Tracy (follow her on Twitter here).

This post was imported from my Medium, which I used for blogging between 2015 and 2019.

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