Smashed Windows

Smashed Windows

March 16, 2011, Windows Live Spaces is dead, long live Wordpress. A sad day for fans of Live Spaces as the service closes down and users are faced with the choice of moving to Wordpress or losing their blogs and photos forever. Daunting as this may seem, the real question is: was anyone even using Live Spaces? I, like everyone else, was given one automatically when I signed up for Hotmail and Live Messenger, but I don't recall ever uploading anything, hence my relative nonchalance.

How long can you last out of water?

How long can you last out of water?

Live Spaces informs us that they were responding to users' desires for a 'richer blogging experience', but we all know that this is a poor mask for the truth that it was simply a service that was not successful in carving a share in an already crowded market.

Which brings me to the point in hand. As social media sites lurch and sway into each others' areas of expertise, is there any need to maintain several different accounts anymore? Facebook is trying to convert itself into a 'one-stop shop' for all your internet needs, and I feel that they are being true to their aims. Do I need to blog separately when Facebook Notes has improved to much? Don't people's status updates render Twitter useless? Can't I just upload my photos in the same place as all this and abandon my Flickr account?

Gotta catch ‘em all!

Gotta catch ‘em all!

While some (myself included) welcome the integration of all their internet needs into one single location, others presumably worry about keeping everything all in one place. What if security fails? What if Facebook ever charges a fee? These fears I can understand, though do not share. But I ask you, if you maintain separate accounts away from your main one, most likely Facebook, why do you do so? I speak as someone who uses Blogger, Twitter, and QQ, but how about everyone else? All opinions are welcome :)

This post was imported from my Wordpress, which I used for my first ever blog in 2011.

